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Solutions Research Centre

Space Gass


SPACE GASS was born in 1983 along with its companion program PLANE GASS.  The names come from SPACE (3D) or PLANE (2D) General Analysis of Structural Systems. Initially designed for personal computers at a time when PCs were still in their infancy, it became apparent by 1990 that structural engineers wanted 3D rather than 2D analysis, and so PLANE GASS was discontinued.


SPACE GASS continued to be developed and new modules were added for non-linear analysis, dynamic analysis, buckling analysis, steel design and reinforced concrete design.  The design modules were also adapted for the major US, European and Asia-Pacific design codes, and by 1999 SPACE GASS was being used worldwide in over 70 countries.


SPACE GASS is a general purpose structural analysis and design program for 2D and 3D frames, trusses, grillages and beams. It comes with a full complement of features that make it suitable for any job from small beams, trusses and portal frames to large high rise buildings, towers, cranes and bridges. Items such as graphical input, polar coordinates, elastic supports, pin-ended members, tension-only members, rigid member offsets, and non-linear analysis are all standard features.

Marketing image of Space Gass software screens
Screenshot of Space Gass software


Save time, money, and get a safe and efficient design.

  • Silky smooth graphical interface that lets you see your changes visually as you go.

  • A fast sparse matrix solver that fully utilizes the parallel processing power of multi-core computers.

  • A wide range of structural modelling tools, analysis options and design modules.

  • Comprehensive video tutorials to walk you through some of the tricky stuff.

  • Configurable for stand-alone or floating network systems.

  • Flexible licensing options with no Internet connection required.

  • Ability to share SPACE GASS and its optional modules between multiple computers.

  • Top-notch support!

Beautiful Design,
Amazing Features

Like any proud parent, we couldn't be more happy with our baby.

We spent weeks, months, many years actually, refining and designing this software, so that you can have the best possible structural analysis and design tool.  Not only will you be able to quickly produce safe and efficient designs, but the look and feel of the graphical interface will make your job a pleasure.

Example of Space Gass renders
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